Getting started

How to get set up!

November 16, 2022

Under construction!

We are currently building this page!

If you’re here, you’re likely about to start work with the UCL Health Algorithms Laboratory. This guide aims to explain or signpost everything you need to know to start analysing health data at UCLH. (general aims, translational data science, etc)

How are health data stored at UCLH?

(the importance of live and recent data, etc)

Working with EPIC

(link to page on further details on EPIC)

Working with EMAP

(link to EMAP page)

How are health data analysed?

Working safely with health data

five safes etc

Resources to learn {stats / ML / SQL / python}

(link to Resources tab?) - Link to Data Science for Docs material?


(link to the full explanation page) (HySys diagrams, FlowEHR, etc)

What do I need to get started?

Setting up your computer

  • python
  • git
  • R
  • (onboarding page for adding a User page to this website etc too)

UCLH access required

  • names of people to get involved with

What is the Data Clinic?

  • links